Stings and bites are an inevitable part of summer, so it makes sense to have an idea what to do when it happens.
The sting should be removed as soon as possible. Don’t try to suck the poison out. After the sting has been removed the site should be cleaned to prevent infection before applying any tinctures or creams such as Hypercal or Calendula. A homeopathic spray that is very good is Pyrethum which can help sooth the area after a bite or sting.
To select the most appropriate Homeoapathic remedy try to match the symptoms to the remedies listed below.
Aconite: shock and nervousness. There may be numbness and tingling.
Cantharis: Violent burning and smarting pains overshadow all other symptoms. Sensation as if on fire. Blisters may develop.
Apis: Rapid swelling, looks red and angry, with stinging and burning pain. Worse for warmth, better for cold.
Ledum: Chilly sensation, but better for cold application, worse for warm applications. Watery swellings which may look red and inflamed.
Urtica Urens: Itchy blotchy skin reactions, looks like nettle rash.
Staphysagria: Large bites which may itch violently with smarting, stinging pains which are worse for cold, better for warmth. Feels irritable and sensitive to touch.
Eileen Scullion, Registered Homeopath LicISH ISHom with the Irish Society of Homeopathson
Tel: 086-0891037 Email: [email protected]
Photo Credit: ID: 1336942/gezether
Consultations available: Dublin, Ireland & Worldwide Via Video Call
Eileen Scullion of Homeopathy-Healing is a Registered Homeopath LicISH ISHom with the Irish Society of Homeopaths (The Regulatory Body for the Homeopathic Profession which is recognized by the Department of Health and Children and works on the National Working Group towards an integrated Health System).