In a blink of an eye, we have watched our world as we know it change overnight. It’s a deeply worrying time for us all and it is such a reminder of the importance of our health, family and community.
I have spoken to many of my clients and received emails over the last few weeks and I know many of you are understandably feeling anxious and worried. Common fears have included becoming sick, loved ones becoming ill, loss of finances, the economy, the future and everything else in between.
For those that may have an interest in homeopathy or are currently working with me to improve your health and well-being, I’d like to support you by sharing some small positive steps (practical and homeopathic) we can all implement to boost individual and family health.
Firstly and most importantly please follow the HSE guidelines concerning hand sanitising, social distancing, isolation and any further recommendations as updates come through. There may be variations for different countries so please check with your relevant government and health authorities for up to date information.
You can support your health and wellbeing by eating well balanced, nutritious meals and by practising daily exercise.
Consider using supplements if necessary. Do speak to your health store staff for nutritional advice or your trusted healthcare provider especially if you are on medication. Find out what is the most suitable for you from the many options available. These include Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc, Echinacea, Elderberry tonic etc. Please note this does not mean that supplements will stop or prevent the spread of Covid-19 but positive steps in looking after your health is important.
If you are in homeopathic treatment and taking your constitutional remedy already, this is an excellent way to continually boost your natural immunity. For those who have used homeopathy in the past, now would be a great time to get booked in again and give your immune system a natural boost. If you are new to homeopathy and would like to get started, you can get in touch here.
The impact of sleep deprivation creates huge stress on your body, and it affects your mood and general health.
I recently heard someone refer to Covid-19 as the “Kindness Virus” – Even amid such testing times, we can see hope with the wonderful acts of kindness that are taking place.
We can try to remove ourselves from focusing on the panic and do our best to stay calm, look out for each other and help those in need. Stay in contact with the people who may not have family and use video to talk to family and friends while social distancing.
Exercise daily, spend time doing what you love, talk to someone about how you are feeling, be they friends, family or professional services.
While it is important to stay informed with the latest news, do minimise distress by avoiding the social media frenzy and limit the amount of TV you are watching.
We are inclined to hold our breath when we are stressed or anxious yet one of the most effective ways to relax is to BREATHE. It does require a focused approach, but the benefits are huge in calming your mind.
Take whatever time you can spare, from between 1 – 5 minutes, to practice the following easy relaxation exercise. First, sit up with your back straight, and with your feet on the floor. Use your powerful creative energy to imagine roots going down about 10 meters into the earth, this will anchor you.
Now allow your breath to drop into your belly, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. Count to 5 for each in-breath and out-breath.
If you are anxious…there are many possible remedies that may help minimise and ease your distress.
If your anxiety is acute you may already have a kit and be familiar with home prescribing. If you are a client already – we are on it! And if we are not currently working together and you’d like a personalised treatment plan do get in touch.
Below I’ve included a brief description of 3 homeopathy remedies that can be used to help with anxiety. If your symptoms appear similar to any of the descriptions, I encourage you to click the link at the end of this section for more extensive details about these remedies.
For more extensive details on these remedies read here.
To administer homeopathic remedies in first aid situations check out the link here.
Continually watching the news or being switched into social media all day is draining. It can elevate your stress and anxiety levels too. While it’s important to stay abreast of what’s happening, set a limitation on how much you will consume every day and process it in your own time.
If you do start experiencing symptoms or suspect yourself to have the Coronavirus infection, please alert the relevant medical authorities in your country, seek appropriate advice with current guidelines and follow their recommendations.
The current conventional advice for non-urgent viral flu cases is taking paracetamol. If you choose to use homeopathy as a form of additional support to speed your healing and recovery, (this should always be alongside other measures as mentioned above in keeping with government guidelines, and is not intended as a substitute for consulting your doctor or receiving medical care), here is a short list of remedies that have previously been used for flu-like symptoms. (I hope to update this list in due course).
There are many possible remedies that can be used to help people with flu-like symptoms and the most effective healing is from those selected on an individual basis. For further information, I’d suggest do work with an experienced homeopath who can help find remedies specific to your needs.
It’s a time of great uncertainty but let’s all do our best and stay positive!
Stay safe, healthy and if I can help you, do let me know!
The information provided in this newsletter is for information and educational purposes only. Information contained should not be taken as individual medical advice, nor is it intended as a substitute for consulting your doctor or government, health service or WHO guidelines.
It is your responsibility to do your own research. If you experience symptoms, illness or serious injury, seek medical help with your doctor or trusted health care provider.
All material presented on the homeopathy-healing newsletter or within its communications has been sourced from multiple authors and does not necessarily constitute the opinion of homeopathy-healing. All remedy related information is drawn from homeopathic pharmacopoeias and materia medicas referenced worldwide.
Consultations available: Dublin, Ireland & Worldwide Via Video Call
Eileen Scullion of Homeopathy-Healing is a Registered Homeopath LicISH ISHom with the Irish Society of Homeopaths (The Regulatory Body for the Homeopathic Profession which is recognized by the Department of Health and Children and works on the National Working Group towards an integrated Health System).