If you’ve ever wondered what’s involved in a Homeopathy Consultation, or wanted to know why Homeopaths ask so many questions seemingly unrelated to your health problem, this video explains why your presenting symptoms are really just the tip of the iceberg in helping us find a remedy suitable for your needs.
Today I’d like to talk to you a little bit about what’s involved in a homeopathy consultation and I’d like to use this image of an iceberg to explain, why in homeopathy it’s so important that we understand more than just the local symptoms that you present with, but that we get a bigger overview of your health and you as a person.
So for example when someone comes to see me with a particular problem such as a headache, painful periods, anxiety or depression, these symptoms are really just the tip of the iceberg for us.
We want to know what lies beneath. We want to know what’s causing them. We want to get to the root source of the problem so that we can actually help alleviate the symptoms that you’re experiencing – those at the tip of the iceberg.
So let’s take a case of a headache. Are these actually brought on after emotional stress? Maybe some difficulties at work? After an emotional upset with a partner? Or maybe it’s due to hormonal changes?
If you suffer from hot flushes, are these as a result of hormonal changes such as the menopause? Or maybe they come on after physical exertion or a strong emotion?
If you suffer from panic attacks, are these actually a result of a stressful event that’s happened in the past? Or are they only actually triggered in particular places such as when you’re flying or in public areas?
In homeopathy it’s so important for us that we treat the whole person and we understand the whole picture of what’s going on in your health, so that we can actually help alleviate the symptoms that are presenting – that you are experiencing – those are the tip of the iceberg.
Thank you very much for listening and I look forward to seeing you for my next video.
Eileen Scullion, Registered Homeopath ISHom Lic ISH at Tel: +353 (0) 86-0891037 or email [email protected]
Consultations available: Dublin, Ireland & Worldwide Via Video Call
Eileen Scullion of Homeopathy-Healing is a Registered Homeopath LicISH ISHom with the Irish Society of Homeopaths (The Regulatory Body for the Homeopathic Profession which is recognized by the Department of Health and Children and works on the National Working Group towards an integrated Health System).